Mohammad Aldehayat

Programmer with a passion to make games.
Here you can check out what I'm doing :))

Game Engine

An 2D game engine created to study how games more deeply.Uses ECS architecture, has a level editor, 2d animation with an animaiton editor, lua scripting support, etc... Documentation and source code can be found on github.

Rababa Games

Optimized the network layer in C# and Unity3D for reliable synchronization and network failure management. Developed a robust game save system ensuring data integrity. Gained knowledge on PS4 SDK and publishing pipeline, integrating PlayStation Network features. Created native C++ plugins, including Logitech steering wheel integration for PS4.

Game Jams

I participate in game jams frequently solo and in groups, it's always quite fun.


I made the dwagon game inspired by hollow knight and some art my colleague made of our program mascot. I programmed a platformer character similiar to hollow knight, simple enemy AI and a Boss AI. I hope you can slay the dwagon.


I made this game because I wanted to study AI and prototype some mechanics. I learned about behavoir tree AI, and programming characters with a state machine.